Friday, August 29, 2008


A soft answer turns away wrath. Proverbs 15:1

This week, we studied the letter A. I had planned to move slowly through the alphabet, so when I found this book I was so excited that it worked right into what I had already planned. I read the story and the boys learned the verse this week while 3 was at the dentist on Monday.

K kid worked on writing the letter 'A'. 1st kid worked on a Z-B manuscript page with words that start with the letter 'A'. 3 really wanted in on the school day. She colored her letter 'A' and did an apple dot-to-dot. She reminded me that I needed to save these for Miss Nancy.

1 comment:

A. said...

What is the name of the book? We have an alphvet craft book that ends up making an alphabet book of their art work by the end, but like variety.